Monday, October 18, 2010

2010 Illinois Boys State Golf Champion!

Congratulations to Thomas O'Byan from Waubonsie High School for winning this year's Illinois High School Boys Golf 3A Championship! Thomas is a wonderful young man and deserves the title after working so hard these past several years on his total game.

I have had the pleasure of working with Thomas, along with his professional golf instructor, Connie Demattia, at the Cantigny Golf Academy for the past several years to help Thomas develop his golf-specific physical strength and conditioning program.

Thomas has done everything that I have asked him to do in his fitness training program and his total performance improvement has been a tremendous validation to the concept of 'integrated' performance enhancement - the complete, synergistic blend of golf instruction, physical training, mental training and custom golf equipment.
Thomas' parents have fully understood the value of supporting Thomas by providing him with all of the resources offered through the Cantigny Golf Academy and the results are evident. Thomas' scores have dropped consistently over the past two years, he has earned a Division-1 college golf scholarship at the University of Wisconsin-Madision and he now is the best high school golfer in the state!

I wish Thomas all the best as he now moves forward into his college golf career and hopefully beyond to his goal of playing professionally on the PGA Tour. I can't think of a more deserving individual than, Thomas O'Bryan. Way to go Thomas!

For more information about developing a total golf performance program for your junior golfer, please contact me directly at , call me at 630-567-7572, or visit .

Monday, September 27, 2010

Free from Joint Pain!

Do your joints and muscles hurt? If so, and your tired of hurting, then you will definitely want learn more about my amazing discovery:
For over 25 years, my ankles, knees and lower back hurt all the time ... every step, every day! It was 'no fun' at all! I was 40 years old and I felt like I was 80 every time I tried to do anything physical.
My problem started when I was just a teenager playing sports. I was at a basketball camp and on the second day of camp, in a scrimmage game, I rolled my left ankle severely! I heard and felt a 'pop'! I tried to keep playing but the pain was so severe and my ankle swelled instantly to the size of a grapefruit. By the next day, I had major bruising all around the outside of my ankle and my participation in camp was over for that week.

Unfortunately, I had registered and pre-paid for another camp the following week. I attended the camp and played all week on my ankle without re-injuring it again BUT never gave it the proper rest and recovery it needed to completely heal. The rest is history. My ankle was never the same. I developed chronic instability in that left ankle and, year after year, no matter what I tried, I kept re-spraining that ankle and arthritis eventually set in.

Worse yet, because of how my body was attempting to compensate for the weakness, instability, pain and dysfunction in my left ankle, all my other joints ... right ankle, both knees, and my lower back took a beating. By the time I was in my mid-20's all of those other joints and the surrounding muscles were hurting as well. I was a mess! I felt like my 'physical' life was over!

Now the good news! Fast forward 20 years, after giving up everything except for playing golf (and having to take a cart whenever I played because of my joint pain), at the age of 40 I was introduced to some amazing, 'natural' (non-prescription) wellness technologies by my doctors that totally changed my life forever. There were a number of wellness products that were suggested to me at the time so I tried them as recommended. After all ... what did I have to lose? I hurt every day, I couldn't even take a walk with my family without hurting, and I had tried everything I knew of to feel better up to then but nothing had really helped.

What I discovered was that these products were extremely safe, so simple to use, and highly effective when used properly and consistently over time. In just 3 weeks I was feeling much better! And, in 3-4 months, my joint problems were GONE! I was amazed at how I felt! My ankles and feet, my knees and my lower back all felt so much better. I could stand, walk, and play golf again ... I could even walk 18 holes and play multiple rounds per week for the first time in years without any discomfort! My joint range of motion, flexibility, strength, balance and total function all improved. It seemed too good to be true!

For several months, I kept expecting my symptoms and dysfunction to all come back again as it had before with other short-term remedies that only addressed the symptoms. But this approach went to the 'source' of the problem. And, now 14 years later, I still have no joint-related challenges!
So, if you are hurting or if you know of someone who hurts, please do yourself/them a big favor and visit this link to learn more about what could just just turn out to be the best decision you ever made for your joints...
So let me ask you ... What do you have to lose?  Is improved comfort and functional quality of the rest of your life worth it to you to check this out more completely? I hope so! I'm sure glad that I did!

Your partner in success,

Paul Callaway, PT, PhD

PS - If you have any questions after visiting this site and want any 1-on-1 counseling/advice/support to streamline your information process and accelerate your results, then please contact me directly at (630-567-7572) or emailing me at

Sunday, July 4, 2010

You Have Nothing to Fear About Total Golf Success

Winston Churchill once said,

"Courage is rightly considered the foremost of the virtues, for upon it, all others depend."

The systematic development of the deep down quality of unflinching courage is one of the fundamental requirements for leadership in any field. Fear, or lack of courage, is more responsible for failure in most areas of life, including total golf performance success, than any other factor. It is always fear that causes people (golfers) to hold back, to sell themselves short, and to settle for far less than they are capable of - both 'on' and 'off' the course!

Eliminate Fear and Doubt

I firmly believe that people can BE, DO and HAVE far more than they now know if they could eliminate the fear, doubts and misgivings that consciously and unconsciously interfere with the realization of their full golf performance potential.

Unlearn Your Fears

If there is anything positive about fears is that they are learned. No one is born with fears. They had to be learned. Therefore, they can be equally unlearned. And, if you want to understand the role of fear in shaping the course of your golf experience, just ask yourself,

"If I had a magic wand that would absolutely guarantee my total golf performance success ... no matter what I attempted ... what goal(s) would I set for myself?"

The Great Question

"What one great thing would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail?"

If you had no fears 'at all' with regard to setting and achieving any golf performance goal you could dream of, what would you do differently than you've done so far? Most of the golfers I ask this questions to can think of many changes they would or could make in their goals, and in their performance strategy, if they truly had no fears holding them back.

The Origins of Fear

The development of courage with understanding the psychological origins of fear. The newborn child has no fears other than the fear of falling and the fear of lour noises - and those fears, naturally, are for self protection. All other fears as we grow into adulthood are learned, primarily as the result of well-meaning but destructive invalidation and/or criticism from our parents, family, friends and coaches.

How Fears Develop

When a curious child gets into things and makes a mess, the parent scolds and punishes the child, eventually building a pattern of fear connected with trying or getting into anything that is new or different. Pretty soon, as adults, we start behaving in ways, and making choices, to do the 'safe' things in life so we don't have to confront the fear of doing something 'wrong' or failing. For most adults, the fear of failure, taking a risk, making a mistake, or losing is very powerful and paralyzes much of our true potential.

Actions Exercises - Reprogramming Fear into Courage!

Here are two suggested 'action' steps you can immediately take that, when done consistently, will enable 'courage' to dominate 'fear' in your game and in life.

1) Imagine that you have no fears at all. What goals would you set for yourself if you were guaranteed total success?

2) Decide what you want and then act as if it were impossible to fail. You may be surprised at how successful you are!

If you'd like to learn more about how to break free from your fears, set new and exciting goals, and accomplish your dreams, then please visit and register for a FREE consultation or call directly at: 630-567-7572.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Setting Your Goals

In my conversations and personal dealings with hundreds of top salespeople, athletes and entrepreneurs over the years, I have found that they all have one thing in common. They have taken the time to sit down and create a clear blueprint for themselves and their future lives. Even if they started the process of goal setting and personal strategic planning with a little skepticism, every one of them has become a true believer.

Becoming a True Believer
Every one of them has been amazed at the incredible power of goal setting and strategic planning. Every one of them has accomplished far more than they ever believed possible in selling and they attribute their success to the deliberate process of thinking through every aspect of their work and their lives, and then developing a detailed, written road map to get them to where they wanted to go.

The Definition of Success
Success and the happiness that comes from being successful has been defined as,

"The progressive realization of a worthy ideal, or goal."

When you are working progressively, step-by-step toward something that is important to you, you generate within yourself a continuous feeling of success and achievement. You feel more positive and motivated. You feel more in control of your own life. You feel happier and more fulfilled. You feel like a winner, and you soon develop the psychological momentum that enables you to overcome obstacles and plough through adversity as you move toward achieving the goals that are most important to you.

Determine Your Values
Personal strategic planning begins with your determining what it is you believe in and stand for-your values. Your values lie at the very core of everything you are as a human being. Your values are the unifying principles and core beliefs of your personality and your character. The virtues and qualities that you stand for are what constitute the person you have become from the beginning of your life to this moment.

Your values, virtues and inner beliefs are the axle around which the wheel of your life turns. All improvement in your life begins with you clarifying your true values and then committing yourself to live consistent with them.

Fuzzy or Clear?
Successful people are successful because they are very clear about their values. Unsuccessful people are fuzzy or unsure. Complete failures have no real values at all.

Build Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem
Values clarification is the beginning exercise in building self-confidence, self-esteem and personal character. When you take the time to think through your fundamental values, and then commit yourself to living your life consistent with them, you feel a surge of mental strength and well-being. You feel stronger and more capable. You feel more centered in the universe and more competent of accomplishing the goals you set for yourself.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.

1) Decide for yourself what makes you truly happy and then organize your life around it. Write down your goals and make plans to achieve them.

2) Begin with your values by deciding what it is you stand for and believe in. Commit yourself to live congruently (consistent with your inner most convictions) - and you'll never make another mistake.

"Don't concern yourself too much with how you are going to achieve your goal - leave that completely to a power greater than yourself. All you have to do is know where you're going. The answers will come to you of their own accord, and at the right time."

Earl Nightingale
1921-1989, Syndicated Radio Announcer and Author