For over 25 years, my ankles, knees and lower back hurt all the time ... every step, every day! It was 'no fun' at all! I was 40 years old and I felt like I was 80 every time I tried to do anything physical.
My problem started when I was just a teenager playing sports. I was at a basketball camp and on the second day of camp, in a scrimmage game, I rolled my left ankle severely! I heard and felt a 'pop'! I tried to keep playing but the pain was so severe and my ankle swelled instantly to the size of a grapefruit. By the next day, I had major bruising all around the outside of my ankle and my participation in camp was over for that week.
Unfortunately, I had registered and pre-paid for another camp the following week. I attended the camp and played all week on my ankle without re-injuring it again BUT never gave it the proper rest and recovery it needed to completely heal. The rest is history. My ankle was never the same. I developed chronic instability in that left ankle and, year after year, no matter what I tried, I kept re-spraining that ankle and arthritis eventually set in.
Worse yet, because of how my body was attempting to compensate for the weakness, instability, pain and dysfunction in my left ankle, all my other joints ... right ankle, both knees, and my lower back took a beating. By the time I was in my mid-20's all of those other joints and the surrounding muscles were hurting as well. I was a mess! I felt like my 'physical' life was over!
Now the good news! Fast forward 20 years, after giving up everything except for playing golf (and having to take a cart whenever I played because of my joint pain), at the age of 40 I was introduced to some amazing, 'natural' (non-prescription) wellness technologies by my doctors that totally changed my life forever. There were a number of wellness products that were suggested to me at the time so I tried them as recommended. After all ... what did I have to lose? I hurt every day, I couldn't even take a walk with my family without hurting, and I had tried everything I knew of to feel better up to then but nothing had really helped.
What I discovered was that these products were extremely safe, so simple to use, and highly effective when used properly and consistently over time. In just 3 weeks I was feeling much better! And, in 3-4 months, my joint problems were GONE! I was amazed at how I felt! My ankles and feet, my knees and my lower back all felt so much better. I could stand, walk, and play golf again ... I could even walk 18 holes and play multiple rounds per week for the first time in years without any discomfort! My joint range of motion, flexibility, strength, balance and total function all improved. It seemed too good to be true!
For several months, I kept expecting my symptoms and dysfunction to all come back again as it had before with other short-term remedies that only addressed the symptoms. But this approach went to the 'source' of the problem. And, now 14 years later, I still have no joint-related challenges!
So, if you are hurting or if you know of someone who hurts, please do yourself/them a big favor and visit this link to learn more about what could just just turn out to be the best decision you ever made for your joints...
So let me ask you ... What do you have to lose? Is improved comfort and functional quality of the rest of your life worth it to you to check this out more completely? I hope so! I'm sure glad that I did!
Your partner in success,
Paul Callaway, PT, PhD
PS - If you have any questions after visiting this site and want any 1-on-1 counseling/advice/support to streamline your information process and accelerate your results, then please contact me directly at (630-567-7572) or emailing me at