‘Spring’ is the Thing for More Power in Your
by Paul Callaway, PT, PhD
Director of Golf Fitness
Cantigny Golf Academy
As the Director of
Golf Fitness here at the Cantigny Golf Academy, the number one request I hear
from my golf clients is, “I want more
power in my swing.” It’s true, more
power means more distance. And more golfers today understand that it makes no
sense to invest in the latest and greatest golf equipment if they can’t
physically generate enough swing speed to take advantage of the improved
technology. So, in order to most
effectively produce more power in your golf swing, you need to increase your
club head speed through the hitting zone with a combination of golf-specific
fitness training exercises that help build your posture, balance, flexibility,
core strength and stability blended with effective swing re-education
Every golfer has
multiple power sources. Some golfers generate more power from their hips and
legs, while some generate more power from their arms, wrists and hands. The
quickest and safest way to produce more physical power in your body and swing
is through identifying your optimal power sources, and then designing
golf-specific, power-building conditioning exercises customized to develop your
most efficient, safest, most powerful and repeatable swing motion. Once you
know the power sources to focus on in your training, the goal of each exercise
and integrated swing drill should be to develop improved ‘spring’ in your swing.
More ‘spring’ refers to improved muscle and joint loading and unloading (muscles
and joint reaction forces) during your full swing. The more we improve our
ability to accumulate, store and efficiently release energy in the power
centers of our body translates to faster, more powerful golf swings.
One simple exercise
that effectively trains your body’s ability to load and unload for improved
‘spring’ with rotation is the ‘Jump and Twist’.
Jump and Twist
(Note! Only attempt
this exercise if you have completed an Initial Physical Performance Evaluation
and your Fitness Professional has prescribed it for you.)
quality athletic footwear that properly supports your feet.
Stand on
a level, padded surface (carpeted floor with sufficient padding and/or padded
yoga exercise mat on hardwood/tile flooring).
with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your hips, knees and ankles, and jump
vertically as high as possible while twisting your body to the left so that
when you land you are balanced with your feet shoulder width apart, and you
have made a quarter turn to the left.
your direction after each ‘Jump and Twist’. Repeat 10-30 reps.
ready, advance by increasing your rotations to ½, ¾ and then full (360 degree)
For more information about golf-specific fitness
training and/or to schedule a complimentary
golf posture screening, please contact Paul
Callaway, PT, PhD by calling: 630.567.7572