Sunday, October 18, 2009

Can Golf Make You Crazy?

"If you want better results in life, then don't keep doing the same things in the same way!" ...

Author Unknown

This now famous quote ... sometimes referred to as the "definition of insanity" ... relates just as directly to our desire to play better golf as it is does for any other area of life. It's so true! If you have one or more specific areas of your game that you'd like to improve, then you need to do certain things - successful actions - in a certain way!

But, if you don't change anything about your normal approach to your game, then better play is really only 'wishful thinking'. And, over time, expecting different performance results with continued inconsistency on the course creates tremendous frustration and could eventually drive you 'crazy'!

So, if you want to end the 'madness' and ultimately avoid being restrained in a straight jacket and dragged, kicking and screaming, off the golf course by people wearing white coats, then I strongly suggest you consider doing these 5 critical steps to improve your game:

1) Think about what you really want to improve about your game and make a committed decision to accomplish your goal ... including a specific deadline for achieving it.

2) Write out your goal and deadline on a 3 x 5 note card starting out with something like, 'I'm so happy and grateful, now that I ..." and read your goal out loud at least three times every day.

3) Establish your integrated support team of golf-specific performance specialists including a professional golf instructor, mental coach, fitness trainer, and club-fitting expert who can evaluate your individual needs in each area of performance according to your goal structure and establish a customized plan for success.

4) Follow your customized plan ... exactly!

5) Document your results and report them to your support team.

If you do these 5 steps, you're game is sure to improve and golf will never make you crazy! In fact, your golf experience will be nothing less than extraordinary with feelings of fun, enjoyment and a true sense of accomplishment about your game ... for a lifetime!

"Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you're ready or not, to put this plan into action."

-- Napolean Hill, Motivational Writer

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