"If you want better results in life, then don't keep doing the same things in the same way!" ...
2) Write out your goal and deadline on a 3 x 5 note card starting out with something like, 'I'm so happy and grateful, now that I ..." and read your goal out loud at least three times every day.
3) Establish your integrated support team of golf-specific performance specialists including a professional golf instructor, mental coach, fitness trainer, and club-fitting expert who can evaluate your individual needs in each area of performance according to your goal structure and establish a customized plan for success.
4) Follow your customized plan ... exactly!
5) Document your results and report them to your support team.
If you do these 5 steps, you're game is sure to improve and golf will never make you crazy! In fact, your golf experience will be nothing less than extraordinary with feelings of fun, enjoyment and a true sense of accomplishment about your game ... for a lifetime!
"Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you're ready or not, to put this plan into action."
-- Napolean Hill, Motivational Writer
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