Friday, October 16, 2009

The 'Formula' for Success

Success as a golfer can seem so fleeting. Just when you think you've got your swing figured out and your game is finally improving, then 'poof'... just like being awakened from a wonderful dream before you're ready ... all the 'magic' can be gone!

However, there is really a very simple formula for success that, once understood and applied, will make your golf performance much less allusive and will help you achieve whatever golf goal that you desire - guaranteed!

And, the 'formula' goes like this ... I + M = R
('I' = Intention, 'M' = Mechanism, and 'R' = Result)

Simply stated, for you to achieve your 'ideal scene' golf performance RESULT, you must have a strong INTENTION (a burning desire and commitment to achieve your goal) combined with an effective MECHANISM (a proven strategy for successfully completing your specific objective).

However, as much attention as is commonly placed on the 'mechanism' for playing great golf, relatively speaking, between 'intention' and 'mechanism', your 'intention' is the only thing that really matters when it comes to successfully achieving your golf performance 'result'.

What do I mean by this? Clearly, there are many, in fact, infinite possible pathways and approaches for successfully becoming a good golfer. True, some may be simpler, more direct, and more time or cost efficient than others. But, even if you are shown the exact approach that Tiger Woods used to became the most successful golfer in the world, if your 'intention' ... your 'core desire'... to be the best golfer in the world is weak or absent, then you will never attain that 'result' - not even close!

The obstacles, challenges and road blocks to any worthy endeavor will inevitably dilute and disuade the 'weak' at heart. Playing high-level golf has many elements to consider. Therefore, only the strongest, most commited individuals will persist ... regardless of the obstacles and appearent failures ... until success is ultimately achieved. The emotional drive, the personal commitment, the sense of moral purpose and/or even duty toward a goal is really all that matters - it is everything when it comes to success in golf, and in life!

Every great accomplishment in golf started and ended with a dream and a great vision. 'The way' will always become clear after the decision for what is wanted. That is why you never need to worry about 'how' to accomplish what you want in golf until you first have figured out 'what' you want. It always follows that natural progression. It is the 'formula' for success!

"The most difficult thing is the decision to act; the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do."
-- Amelia Earhart, aviator

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