Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Stop Golfer's Back Pain - Forever!

Year after year, the #1 injury in golf is to the lower back. As frequent as injuries are to golfer's shoulders, elbows, necks and hips, golf injuries to the lower back still reign #1 ... by a mile!

There are many theories to why so many golfers continue to hurt their lower backs. Some experts blame poor swing mechanics and technique, some suggest tight hamstrings and weak abdominal muscles are the cause, while others point their finger at the game itself ... just too much bending and twisting for how our body is designed!

While any or all of these and other factors seem reasonable and most certainly could be contributing to low back injuries in golfers, there is one other major cause that, in my nearly 30 years working as a physical therapist specializing in the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of golf-related injuries, that is most often missed. And, if corrected, can permanently stop golfer's back pain - FOREVER!

Most golfers who suffer from low back pain, regardless of their medical diagnosis, are 'shocked' to find out that there is such a simple and permanent solution to their pain. In fact, in most cases, it is so easy to correct that I can't believe more golf-fitness specialists and medical practitioners are not aware of it. So what is this common problem to golfer's low back pain? And, how is the problem so easily fixed? Well, here's the answer ...

Over 90% of the golfers I have the opportunity to evaluate, regardless of age, levels of golf experience and/or skill, have muscle imbalances (combinations of muscle and connective tissue tightness and weakness) throughout the key muscle groups in their 'core'. Their foundational muscles in the hips, pelvis, spine, torso and shoulders are not 'balanced'.

Therefore, just like the old-fashioned camping tents that used a center pole to keep the top of the tent up, if one or more of the 'core' muscles (tent ropes) of a golfer's body is pulling on the spine (tent center pole) unequally, then the spine (center pole) and the whole body (tent) would be 'unstable' and lean in the direction of the greatest pull.

Moreover, as the law of 'Structure governs 'Function' establishes that the degree of 'function' of any physical object is dependent upon its 'structure', then, in this state of structural instability, even a relatively normal stress experienced within a golfer's body... a golf swing (wind blowing on the tent) ... could cause it to dysfunction (i.e. poor golf swing mechanics) ... or even worse, become injured (collapse the tent)!

This is exactly what happens with most golfers who develop lower back pain. They all have structural imbalances that cause one or more postural asymmetries. And, these asymmetries in their pelvis and spine regions cause movement dysfunction when they play golf that creates stress in the lower back that eventually causes strain, injury and pain. All preventable ... if you know how!

The most commonly evaluated postural asymmetry in golfers is called a 'pelvic torsion'. Simply stated, their pelvis is slightly twisted so they have the appearance of one leg looking a bit longer than the other. To see an example of what I'm talking about, visit http://paulcallaway.vpweb.com/MyApproach.html. You will see a how a golfer's standing posture directly impacts their address posture and how their imbalanced address posture prevents their 'ideal' golf swing.

Typically, this 'torsion' is caused by muscle imbalances the golfer develops from the the stresses and de-conditioning experienced with every day life - without the techniques necessary to effectively 're-balance' the golfer's body and prevent injury. Once identified through the proper initial evaluation, then the simple, corrective exercises and treatment techniques can be performed that will eliminate the torsion, reduce the postural stress and prevent further swing compensations and injury.

In my experience, these corrections can be made for most golfers in one week or less. In some more difficult or complex cases, it may take up to one month. This is quite rare, however, as most golfers are feeling and functioning much better in a few short days when they apply the proper 'releasing', 're-education' and 'rebuilding' exercises (for more information, visit http://paulcallaway.vpweb.com/MyApproach.html) and treatment techniques I provide for them.

Therefore, if you really would like to end your lower back pain problems forever, I suggest that you contact a golf-specific health and fitness professional who can properly evaluate your posture and full body structure and provide you with the quick and easy corrective techniques to feel and function better. This could be the most important and helpful thing you'll ever do for your back and for your game! Trust me!

If you'd ever like to talk more about this and how it could specifically help you, let me know. I'm happy to provide you with a FREE, no obligation, phone consultation to provide you with the information and help you may need. Simply email me at Paul@CallawayGolfFitness.com and request that I give you a call and I will get back to you about scheduling the phone conference.

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