Sunday, October 25, 2009

What Do You Really Want?

"Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true."
-- Leon Suenens, Clergyman

If you can tell me what you really want then I can show you how to get it. If you aren't sure exactly that you want ... then that's where we need to start.

It's true, only after we know what we want ... really want ... can we begin the steps of getting it. Sounds simple and even silly to say, doesn't it? But, in my 30 years of working with people to facilitate what they want, I frequently have to help them identify exactly what they want first.
Many golfers I interview think they know what they want, but it is either too general or, after some brief discussion and clarification, what they initially thought they wanted isn't what they truly wanted after all!

For example, when I ask, "What do you really want"?, a golfer will typically answer something like, "I want to be more consistent". Good! That's a nice start! But, what does "more consistent" really mean?
And, how do we objectively measure the improvement in consistency? All the experts suggest, for a goal to be proper, it must be specific and measurable. It also must have a deadline and, if it is really the 'ideal' goal, it must create a good feeling inside when we think about already being in possession of the goal's intended result.

So, taking the next clarifying step, I will ask my client, "What specific part of your game would you like to be more consistent"? And, their response will be something like, "I would like to have more consistent ball striking ... I want to hit the ball more solidly". OK! We are now moving in the right direction but we have a long way to go at nailing down what this golfer really wants and having it stated as a goal that is specific, and measurable.

Moving forward, I'll ask, "How are you striking the ball now"? Their answer, "Oh, very 'thin' and sometimes a little 'chunky' , or I'll slice it to the right or pull it hard to the left."

Me: "I see! Just how big a problem is this during a typical practice session or golf round"?
Golfer: "On average, I'm hitting about 4 out of 10 shots poorly right now".

Me: "I understand. How many shots of of 10 would you like to hit well?
Golfer: "That's easy! I want to hit them all perfectly solid"!

Me: "By when"?
Golfer: "I want to hit all my shots perfectly in 3 months ... by the start of next golf season".

Me: "And what would that feel like to hit 100% perfect shots"?
Golfer: "Fantastic! I really would feel like I'm playing golf much closer to my true potential".

Me: "Got it! And, if you continue on the path that you're on ... getting the same performance results you're getting now ... how would that make you feel"?
Golfer: "That would be very frustrating! I might even consider finding something else, more enjoyable, to do other than golf".

Me: "So, how would you put into words, one 'present tense' sentence, what you'd 'really like' to have ... you're 'ideal scene' ... as it relates to your golf game"?
Golfer: "I'm so happy grateful and proud now that I hit 100% solidly-struck golf shots that hit my intended target each and every time".

Me: "Great! Now I totally understand what you 'really' want! And, we can now go to work together to determine what it's going to take to make this your reality on or before the next 3 months to reach your goal".

Do you see the process? We now have a specific goal that is measurable, has a deadline, and would produce the type of emotional connection for the golfer that will inspire and continue to motivate them through the various obstacles that may present themselves in the process of accomplishing this worthy goal.

In summary, there really is nothing more important to think about and make clear for ourselves then, "What do we really want?" ... for our golf game and in life! But, if your not sure, or you want to make it clearer and want/need help creating a strategy for accomplishing your dream result, then let me know. I'd be very happy to help!

Because, if you can tell me what you really want, I can show you how to get it! Guaranteed!

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